Yasmine Hooper

Yasmine Hooper is a Research Officer at the Centre for Social Impact UWA (CSI UWA) with a background in psychology (Bachelor of Arts with Honours) and experience with mixed methods research. She has worked on a range of research and evaluation projects within CSI, topics including community mental health, safeguarding children, youth mental health, homelessness, mental health in regional and rural WA, and workplace sexual harassment. Yasmine's most recent work included evaluating a large-scale, proactive outreach community mental health initiative which delivered mental health and wellbeing information and support to householders at their doorstep across Australia.

She has a multidimensional understanding of mental health and wellbeing, having studied clinical perspectives of psychology, producing an Honours research project related to social psychology and anthropology, and later, working on a range of wellbeing projects for the Centre for Social Impact UWA, not-for-profit organisations, and State government. Yasmine utilises her core values in her work, enabling curiosity and the ability to think reflectively about complex social issues, bringing a humanistic and critical thinking approach to her work.

Currently undertaking a Graduate Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming and Policy Analysis, she hopes to gain specialised knowledge related to the integration of gender considerations into policy making, project design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Focus areas

  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Gender and sexuality (includes LGBTQIA+)
  • Family domestic violence
