100 Families WA
Download: Results Of The NgalangMoort Wangkiny (100 Families WA) Project
Breaking the cycle of entrenched disadvantage in WA
100 Families WA is a 4-year collective action research project with a vision to develop an ongoing evidence base on poverty, entrenched disadvantage and social exclusion in Western Australia that will be used by the policy and practice community in Western Australia.
The 100 Families WA project utilised a unique combination of longitudinal quantitative data, fortnightly qualitative interviews with family members, and linked administrative data together with active engagement of those with lived experience in the design of the study to develop a comprehensive picture of entrenched disadvantage in in Perth.
The 100 Families WA baseline report was released in September 2019 and formed part of a wider study to understand entrenched disadvantage in Perth. The baseline study involved 400 families and in-depth interviews with 100 families continued until 2023. The baseline report examined the domains of social, health and economic wellbeing, including demographics, family and household composition, income, material deprivation, employment, health, mental health, substance use, wellbeing and quality of life, and adverse life experiences.
The Ngalang Moort Wangkiny Project
The Ngalang Moort Wangkiny Project , led by Dr Glenda Kickett, is the final instalment of 100 Families WA. Ngalang Moort Wangkiny aims to amplify the voices of the Indigenous 100 Families participants in a culturally secure way. The Aboriginal leadership of Ngalang Moort Wangkiny shows that we are not simply objects of study but active participants, leaders, and scholars working together to shed light on our strengths, resilience, and the challenges we face. The Ngalang Moort Wangkiny Project (100 Families WA) report was led by Glenda Kickett with support from Dr Tuguy Esgin and CSI UWA researchers Dr David O’Shaughnessy, Dr Leanne Lester, and Professor Paul Flatau.
100 Families WA is a collaborative research project between Anglicare, Centrecare, Jacaranda Community Centre, Mercycare, Ruah Community Services, UnitingCare West, Wanslea, WACOSS, The University of Western Australia (the Social Policy Practice and Research Consortium and the School of Population and Global Health) and the Centre for Social Impact UWA. Read the news release.