Navigating New Shores: The Mental Health of Chinese International Students in Australia
Navigating New Shores: The Mental Health of Chinese International Students in Australia
Studying abroad offers international students a remarkable chance to step beyond their familiar boundaries, broaden their cultural understanding, and embrace new possibilities. However, relocating to a foreign country and navigating a different language can also pose a range of challenges, particularly for students whose cultural backgrounds significantly differ from those of the host country. These challenges can pose significant risks to the mental health of international students.
In this webinar, Dr Jian Zhao presents the results from studies that investigate threats to the mental health of Chinese international students studying in Australia.
Dr Zhao discusses:
- The implications of the findings and
- Why ongoing mental health support services and evaluation of the effectiveness of these services are significant and necessary
Dr Jian Zhao is an Early Career Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Impact, University of Western Australia. With a background in mental health measurement in an educational context and expertise in mixed-methods research, she has been working on various research projects, covering topics such as the mental health of Chinese international students in Australia, self-harm and suicidal behaviours of young people in Western Australia (WA), Young carers in WA and homelessness in WA. She has developed and published a range of tests, including those that assess coping strategies and mental health changes, which have been utilised by other researchers in the field.