Amplify Social Impact

Amplify Social Impact is an initiative by the Centre for Social Impact, offering solution-oriented research and data to help the for-purpose sector address Australia’s complex social problems.
Amplify Insights
Amplify Insights are a series of in-depth reports into specific social issue areas, seeking to inform, engage, and create social impact by revealing key levers of change.
Insights reports are currently available on housing affordability and homelessness, financial wellbeing and education inequity.
Learn more about Amplify Insights
Australian Social Progress Index
The Australian Social Progress Index (ASPI) is an online resource that will give governments the ability to understand the quality of life of their state or territory beyond economic measures such as GDP.
The ASPI measures progress towards meeting people’s basic needs and foundations for wellbeing by comparing jurisdictions and tracking them over time. This reveals which areas are flourishing and where there are gaps.
Learn more about the Social Progress Index
Amplify Social Impact Online
The Centre for Social Impact has made the decision to wind down Amplify Online. Find out more.