Uniting Country SA: Hearing Country Voices
As part of a larger body of work, the Hearing Country Voices research is in partnership with Uniting Country SA (UCSA) and the Centre for Social Impact Flinders.
Report One: 'To do this job you have to have the heart for it'
This research examines the factors that optimise current practice to support the best outcomes for people living in country areas, who have multiple and complex needs.
One of the key research findings was the importance of relationships; when strong relationships exist they outweigh the importance of education levels. Additionally, staff training and support were identified as crucial elements for staff satisfaction, staff retention and ultimately, client outcomes.
Report Two: Country Children in Care
This report examines the experiences of children in care, who are living in country areas, and the factors that help them flourish.
Key findings:
- An expectation that adults are supportive and provide safe environments
- The unintentional consequences of rigid constructions of risk in child protection systems, which can place children and young people at greater risk
- Improved experiences in care and outcomes if decisions about children in care are child-centred and coupled with a good relationship between the carer and the child
Report Three: The Effects of Pastoral Care Workers on Student Wellbeing in Regional and Metropolitan Schools
This research investigates the effects of Pastoral Care Workers on student wellbeing in regional schools within South Australia. Recommendations are also provided for school wellbeing leadership teams, providers and the Department of Education, to assist PCWs to support young people to flourish.