STEP to Home Program Evaluation
The STEP to Home Program Evaluation, produced by the Centre for Social Impact UNSW and commissioned by Bridge Housing and Neami National , presents the results of an evaluation of the STEP to Home Program.
The program utilises the ‘Housing First’ approach, which is focused on quickly moving people experiencing homelessness into independent and permanent housing and then providing additional supports and services as needed.
Distinct to other Housing First models operating in Australia, the STEP to Home Program utilises a scattered housing site model that uses the private market to source appropriate properties for clients.
The evaluation consisted of a systematic search and rapid review of Housing First models, followed by a mixed methods study of client experiences in the STEP to Home Program.
The evaluation found that STEP to Home is obtaining positive outcomes across the measures associated with successful Housing First approaches.
As a result of their participation in the STEP to Home Program, clients demonstrated a considerable increase in their housing stability, retention, security and safety, housing satisfaction, mental health and quality of life, employment participation and greater connection with family, friends and community.